Homeopathy Treatment For Fissure

Anal fissure is a wound or a “cut” at the anus. Anal fissures may be simple or multiple, and may be noted suddenly or slowly, over time. Anal fissures are a common disease and can be a persisting nuisance if left untreated. Fissure-in-ano may be acute (less than 6 weeks of duration) fissure or chronic (more than 6 weeks of duration) or recurring fissures.
Causes for fissure:
straining to have a bowel movement when you are constipated
waiting too long to have a bowel movement
having less fibre in diet
insufficient water intake
Sitting for a long while.
poor eating habits/ starvation
injury to the anus, for example, from anal intercourse
Symptoms of fissures include:
pain during after bowel movements, which can be severe
burning sensation in the anal region
itching, mild burning, and bleeding around the anus (for example, you might see few drops of bright red blood on toilet paper after wiping)
a skin tag or swelling felt at the anus (in case of sentinel pile), which may or may not be painful.
Benefits of Homeopathy:
Fissure-in-ano (anal fissures) finds an excellent treatment with homeopathy. Most cases heal with medicines and surgery can be avoided. Most patients show significant improvement in about three to four weeks, in case of fissure-in-ano. The full length of treatment is usually for about four months. Some patients may need longer course of medication.It is possible to avoid surgery in most cases if timely homeopathic treatment is used.