Homeopathy Treatment For Insomnia

Insomnia (sleeplessness) is a common sleep disorder in which a person experiences difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep or wakes up too early. Insomnia can lead to long periods of wakefulness and difficulty initiating sleep. It can also cause a person to wake up early, and not be able to fall back asleep or maintain sleep. Tossing, turning in bed and restlessness are common signs of insomnia. As we all know sleep is very crucial for the proper functioning of our body and mind, around 6 – 8 hours of good sleep is highly recommended for everyone to rest our mind and also to energize our body. In insomnia, due to lack of sound night sleep, people confront daytime sleepiness and also feel tired. Insomnia can be transient, acute and chronic. In transient insomnia, people face sleeplessness for short periods like a few days to a week and this may be caused due to general stress. Acute insomnia is a condition raised due to the occurrence of upsetting events and medications and in this, the sleeplessness may last or few weeks, whereas Chronic insomnia is a condition which is raised due to secondary insomnia i.e. due to health problems like depression, arthritis and so on.
Primary Insomnia
Secondary Insomnia
Psychological issues
Unhealthy diet
Irregular sleeping patterns
Environmental conditions like loud noises, heat or cold temperatures and light
Health illnesses like depression, anxiety disorders, arthritis, asthma, allergies,
Gastric Disorders and others
Daytime sleepiness
Lack of concentration and memory
Benefits of Homeopathy
Many alternative treatments for insomnia offer sleeping pills which are not good, addictive and can lead to several health problems. Whereas, homeopathy treats insomnia using natural and holistic remedies which are safe, not addictive and free from adverse effects. Homeopathy treatment for insomnia has no side effects since they are made of natural substances. They work at a psychosomatic level to treat the root. Homeopathy treats the problem internally, by understanding the cause of different symptoms instead of suppressing them. Often, Insomnia is the result of an underlying problem, and homeopathy works cohesively to treat the psychological and physical symptoms that may be causing the disorder. Homeopathy remedies for insomnia do not cause any psychological or physical dependency. Homeopathy also works especially well for chronic sleep issues and can help resolve the problem for good.