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Homeopathy Treatment For Vertigo

Homeopathy Doctor for Vertigo in Chennai

If you experience the feeling that things around you are spinning, you may be suffering from Vertigo. It’s a condition in which a person feels that he or she is moving or the things in the surrounding are in motion when they are not so in reality. The person with Vertigo may have difficulty in maintaining balance in walking and standing. Improper imbalance can also result in falling. Nausea and vomiting may also accompany Vertigo.



  • Inner ear disturbance

  • Motion sickness

  • Medication effects

  • Health condition like poor circulation, infection or injury

  • Low iron levels

  • Overheating and dehydration

  • Low blood sugar

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Migraine



  • Dizziness

  • Weak

  • Unsteady feel


Benefits of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is strongly recommended for Vertigo. Homeopathy will help the patients to get back to normal without having any of the side effects of conventional medication. It helps not only in controlling the intensity and frequency of the attacks of vertigo but also in alleviating the anxiety that is frequently associated with this condition. Homeopathy treatment of vertigo has to be directed towards the underlying cause of the condition. It improves the general immunity and vitality of the patient apart from targeting the cause of vertigo.

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